Saturday 10 December 2011

Jerhigh (3)

1. Carrot
- It is packed full of vitamins and minerals.
- It is low in fat.
- It is a good way help to keep your dog's coat glossy nad healty.

2. Spinach
- It has all the goodness and nutrition of spinach within one treat.
- It is low in fat.
- It contains iron and it is tasty and healthy.

3. Stick
- It is chewy, tender stick that contains vitamins, fibre, carbohydrates and minerals.
- It is a wonderful appertizing snack.

4. Strawberry
- It is made from real chicken, add sweet of strawberry.
- It is rich in protein that from real chicken.
- Reinforce the repair.
- It is also provided vitamin E that goo for health and a shiny coat.

5. Milky
- It is sweet and delicious, healthy, low in fat dog foods treats with finest aroma and food grade quality.
- It is a healthy dog snack that not only tastes great, but also smells delicious.
- It can help to strengthen the immune system, and also improve the digestive system.

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